Wednesday 8 July 2009

Once upon a time two friends decided they needed an adventure. This is their story.

What magical place (that's not too far and still economical) could we go to play?

"Why, Capraia" said Bradley their dancing friend and hot photo TA.

They eagerly packed and early they rose to catch the 5:30 train

Running as always they hopped on board and slept so not to wain.

Once in Livorno a ferry they rode it was filled with scuba divers

but Rach & Beck knew they wanted to hike and gave each other a hi fiver.

The red rocky cliffs and herring gulls soon came into view

to the mini mart for juice boxes of wine, is what they went to do.

Wandering through the tiny town, they saw a restaurant

the muscles were great and they ate and ate all that they could want.

Buckling down they were ready to trek through breathtaking hills

but first a bee-keeping friend they would meet who let them know the real deal.

"Grazie, Angela!" and off they took, up a path of giant rocks

Childhood pets and future plans took up most of their talks.

To a crumbling wall they soon came and wondered where to go

through briars and bushes they pushed and shoved, then realized they were being slow.

Back to the well-worn path they went and onward they continued.

Longing for the awaited sight of their evening venue.

The magical tower soon appeared like an oasis in the desert.

The labors until its rest was felt, however, were not yet measured.

With meowing shearwaters for background music and flora that scraped like forks,

Rachel and Becky rationed their peanuts and increased their average torque.

"Oh no!" a deep uncrossable ravine! They looked hopelessly ahead.

"I guess we'll sleep here in the brush with spiders in our beds."

but wait, alas, a set of stairs to good old Zenobito.

They put away the big white sheet and hurried down on their feet-0.

Oh happy swimmers down below, you know not what you miss:

a can of tuna and a cool damp fort built from volcano bits.

Set sun, set! We want to see your rays upon the tide

as sky and sea bleed into each and sailboats float so high.

They read and chat and photograph, and one more potty break

out and in the window, friend, is more fun than they could anticipate.

All nestled in this Geonese fort the starlight leaks inside.

With heavy eyes and light hearts, slumber sounds so nice

but Mark the big fat rat thinks it sounds good too,

and in he creeps to Rachel's feet and tries to be her boo.

On top of that two pirate ships stake out Southern Capraia.

They hug the coast, turn out their lights, and wait. I aint no lia.

So fitful rest is theirs to keep and many tosses, turns, and peeps keep them from their dear friend sleep.

The clock strikes four and thirty and a beam of light does show.

They pack their pags, Ciao Mark, off and away they go.

Sunrise rosy, day is new, fresh unspoilt panoramic view.

Ready, set, and off they go to beat the scorching day.

six a.m., as two good friends huff and puff away.

"Is this a trail?" "Oh look, stacked rocks" are their common words

Rolling fog makes the world small and lead them to antelope herds.

Rach's feet are 2' x 4', broken, swollen, and in pain

but Miss Fields keeps right on through the rockiest terrain.

Bye bye hike, bye scissor bushes, bye snake friend, and furry rabbit tushes.

Hello quiet village on a sunday morning

We are thirsty and very tired, take that as your warning.

"Arrividerchi" does not mean "hello," but can we buy some of Angela's honey?
"Honey, in Italia you can get this for free, put away your money!"

Oh Italia, land of euros, we need a place to rest.
Ten euros later--a shower and chair--this money spent is the best.

Sleep and sleep under the sun for at least five hours.
Jelly fish keep them out of the water, their tenticles filled with power.

The happy girls wander down to the seaside port
They realize tickets are fine and take Toremar as a last resort.

biding their time, they eat salad from an attractive German waiter
and write postcards, search for shells, eat gelato... 6 pm, Capraia, see you later!!

The End


The one and a half hour train ride from Livorno to Florence took 5 hours due to "fumare" (fire) and overcrowding. The girls made friends with a sweet Italian woman who let them follow her around to all the different trains they had to switch to. They also met a philanthropic film student who shared about his work and travels in Miami, Nicaragua, and Alaska.

Monday 22 June 2009

a sonnet to compensate for our long siesta from haikus

Cinque Terre

Way to Cinque Terre filled with gloom
Just east some bread, the sun will come out soon
hiking, swimming, and climbing cliffs, Oh My!
baby sweatshirt and octopus we'll try

Alana's lungs gave out on our steep route
salty aqua water is all about
hiking, swimming, and climbing cliffs, Oh My!
baby sweatshirt and octopus we'll try

Both picturesque in life and memories
friendly waiter, expensive french fries please!
hiking, swimming, and climbing cliffs, Oh My!
baby sweatshirt and octopus we'll try

ginger led us to shots with a french clan
kid's ticket fancied no euro tank man
hiking, swimming, and climbing cliffs, Oh My!
baby sweatshirt and octopus we'll try

Monday 1 June 2009

May 30-Pisa & Lucca

Leaning tower fell
Samba in the store window
Madison's plans suck

May 29-Firenze & Cinque Terre

The David is big
Hiking and cliff jumps, Go Rach!
Night grocery run

May 28-Firenze

Madison hits the floor
Raggae with Italian boys
We need you Duomo

May 27-Firenze

Film nights at SACI
We never see each other
Lemoncino, ew!

May 26-Firenze

Eight hours of class
Kelsey needs her Calzone stat
Piazza sunset